Dingbats Fonts
A dingbat is an ornament, character or spacer used in typesetting. Dingbat fonts are digital type where each character is a small graphic or icon - picture fonts. Free dingbats can be decorative or functional. These fonts can be used as bullets in a list, as an end sign at the end of a story, as separators, and as accents. Dingbat fonts are like mini-clip art collections.
Code 128
by Grand Zebu
by unknown author
by Mark Tan
Snoopy Dings
by Jbs
in Dingbats / TV and movie
Famous Logos
by Jmd
by pokelele
by unknown author
WC Rhesus A Bta
by WC Fonts
3 of 9 Barcode
by Paul André LeBlanc
by IDAutomation
Tengwar Gandalf
by Michael S. Elliott
in Dingbats / Runes, Elvish